"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them."
While not a Sacrament, a Christian funeral is an important liturgical celebration of the Church. Because our beliefs include both immortality of the soul and resurrection of the body, the Church provides a process of prayer for the faithful to accompany the dying of a loved one, to strengthen our faith and hope, to support and comfort those who mourn, and to bury the bodily remains of the deceased with care and reverence representative of the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In addition to bringing consolation to the living, Christian funeral rites help all involved to recall God's mercy and judgment and our human need to always turn to God when faced with challenge and/or crisis. The Order of Christian Funerals of the Roman liturgy gives three types of funeral celebrations that reflect the three places in which they are conducted: the home (or visitation), the church, and the cemetery. Included here is a document that offers additional explanation through selected excerpts from the General Introduction of the Order of Christian Funerals.
At St. John the Baptist Catholic Church - Edgard. . . .
Upon the occasion of a departed family member or close relation for whom a funeral mass at our church and/or burial in our church cemetery is desired:
As early as possible, please contact our Parish Office before meeting with a funeral director to discuss with Ms. Valerie Simon the availability of our church and parish priest. (Parish Office Telephone: 985-497-3412, Email: [email protected]).
Ms. Simon will also assist with all matters related to planning a funeral mass in our church and burial arrangements in our cemetery.
We offer families of the deceased the option to have both the visitation and funeral mass in our church.
Support and assistance is available from our Bereavement and Funeral Ministry members.
For clarification and guidance regarding cremation and eulogies, please click this link: Guidance for Catholics....Regarding Cremation and Words of Remembrance.
A useful resource from New Orleans Catholic Cemeteries - Click this link:
NOCC Funeral Planning Guide