Leadership for our Parish School of Religion has transferred from Ms. Veronica Alexander to Ms. Cindy Thomas. Two important sessions are scheduled this week to gather important input, as follows: Parent Input on Tuesday, July 25 and PSR Teacher and Staff Input on Thursday, July 27. Both meetings will occur at 6:00 pm in the Church Community Center. Every person's input is important, so please make every effort to attend. For complete details, click the title above to access the Bulletin Insert distributed at all mass this past weekend. For invited individuals who may not be able to attend, the Bulletin Insert includes descriptions of alternate methods submit your input. Every person's input matters!
Additional burial crypts will be constructed for our parish mausoleum. Anyone interested in more information should take a card located on the table in the rear of the church, complete it, and return it either by placing it in a collection basket at mass or in the mail slot of the rectory door. A sales representative with American Cemetery will contact you.
While Father Rob is on vacation, Father Bernard Francis is celebrating masses with our parish community. Please note the following schedules: No Weekday Mass from July 9 - August 11, Weekday mass will resume August 15, which also a Holy Day of Obligation - The Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Weekend masses for July 9 - August 6 will be Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm, and Sunday Mass only at 9:30 am. The regular weekend mass schedule will resume August 12 and 13.
Our Dean assessment visit on June 14 was quite successful and very helpful, especially in light of the current Archdiocesan Sustainability initiative and assessment criteria. The Sustainability Team and its working teams will continue preparation for the Archdiocesan consultant visit with us in October. Teams will also expand our sustainability efforts to identify and address short and long-term parish needs and development opportunities. Regarding our Parish Registration initiative, we have thus far registered 129 households and 332 people. As we continue to gather registrations, we will be moving toward Phase 3. Click the title above for full details shared in a supplement to the July 16 Weekly Bulletin.