From Mrs. Patricia Kilbert, KPCLA Grand Lady: One of the community support activities, the KPC Ladies Auxiliary Court #66 members have agreed to pay the fees for each child to attend the 2023 religious education classes. The Parish School of Religion student registration is still open. Click the title above for full details.
Please explore our new church parish website and let us know what you think. Your feedback is important. Additional features are in development and will be available in the near future. To send feedback, click the title above for ways to send us feedback.
Sept. 10: Opening mass at 10:00am. Meet your Teachers session in the Community Center immediately following mass. Sept. 17: Grades K-7 - First Day of Class begin 8:00 am. Students in all grades (K-12) and families join together for 10:00 am Mass to celebrate Catechetical Sunday with our church community. Refer to the Aug. 27 Bulletin or click the title above for full details.
Parents/Guardians, please submit registration form and book fee for your children no later than August 31. We will be ordering books immediately, so they arrive in time for the start of classes. We want to be sure every PSR student has a book for the first day of class, so please submit registrations by August 31. If you have questions or need assistance, call the Parish Office (985-497-3412). Thank you!
Parishioners who have not submitted a registration form are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Assistance is available for completing a registration form by calling the Parish Office (985-497-3412). Parishioner information is strictly confidential and used solely for parish administration purposes. Identifying every member of our church parish is essential to our parish vitality and sustainability. Registration forms are available on the table behind the last pew of the church and from the Parish Office (in-person and by telephone request).
Catechists/Teachers and support staff for our 2023-24 Parish School of Religion will participate with Cindy Thomas, Director Religious Education in their first meeting on Wednesday, August 23 at 6:00 pm in the Community Center. Together, these dedicated volunteers will be taking important first steps in their collaborative efforts to partner with parents/guardians to offer the best religious education experiences yet for the children of our church parish. Let's each offer prayers of support for full engagement and successful learning and faith formation in this year's program.
Registration packets are available from the ushers after each weekend mass. Parents/Guardians may also obtain packets and assistance and submit registrations and fees in the Community Center immediately following weekend masses and the Parish Office on weekdays in-person and by mail. Children of our church parish attending non-Catholic schools in academic school grades K-12 must be registered by August 31 to participate in this year's School of Religion Program. Questions? Please call the Parish Office (985-497-3412).
Student registration for the 2023-24 Parish School of Religion is now open. Parents/Guardians, please register your children (School Grades K-12) as early as possible and no later than August 31. Completed registration packets may be submitted to the Parish Office on weekdays (until 8/31) and in the Community Center immediately following each weekend mass until August 27. Click the title above for full details.
Father Bernard Francis has been celebrating weekend masses with us for the past five weeks, while Father Rob was visiting with his family in the Philippines. At the Saturday, August 5 vigil mass and on behalf of our St. John the Baptist Catholic church family, an expression of appreciation and love was shared with Father Francis at the conclusion of the mass. Please click the title above for full details.
On Tuesday, August 8, Father will be returning home from his visit with his family in the Philippines. Let's give him a few days to recover from such a long trip and adjust to the time zone change. Father will resume celebrating mass with us on Saturday, August 12, when we return to our weekend mass schedule as follows: Saturday vigil mass at 4:00 pm, Sunday masses at 7:00 am and 10:00 am. Weekday masses (Tuesday - Friday) will resume Tuesday, August 15 at 8:00 am. August 15 is also the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation and details regarding masses that day will be forthcoming.
In an update communication, Cindy Thomas, the new Director of Religious Education, emphasizes commitment to partner with parents and families, who are the primary educators of our children's faith formation. Among positive changes for the 2023-24 School of Religion will be books and learning resources for students and teachers to enhance active learning in class and at home. Plans include classes for grades K-12. Registration will open August 12, with a firm deadline of August 31. Additional details about this year's program will be included in the registration packet. For complete details, click the title above.