Parish registration drive now in progress - Since May, a church parish-wide member registration initiative has been underway to obtain complete, accurate, and up-to-date information from every member of our church community - adults and children. To individuals who have already submitted a form, thank you! If you have not yet done so, then please do so as soon as possible. We are striving to have complete church membership information by August 31. And we are already beginning to use registration information to communicate with, reach out, and engage parish members in their areas of interest and talents.
Who should register? Below is a link to our Parish Member Registration Form (PDF). A form should be completed for the family/household (e.g., single adult, husband and wife, single parent, and the dependent children living at the same physical address). Having all members of our church parish -- new, existing, and returning -- is important for meeting Archdiocesan and local church parish administrative requirements. Most importantly, we want to know you, have you actively engaged in our church community, and be able to communicate effectively with each other.
How to register? The registration form is currently available only in print form, but it will become available as an online form and submission process in the near future. To submit your registration now, please click the link below to download and print the PDF. You may also stop by, call, or email the Parish Office to obtain a printed form for completion. Please return your completed form (both sides) either to the Parish Office or place it in the collection box labeled "Parish Registration" in church, located on the table behind the last pew. Please reach out to our Parish Office staff regarding any questions or need for assistance (2361 Highway 18, Edgard, 985-497-3412). To send an email message to the Parish Office, please use the message template below.
Help us reach everyone. If you know of a family member, relative, friend, or neighbor, living without or outside of our geographic area, who is or wishes to be a member of our church community, then please share the registration form with them and offer assistance that may be needed to complete and submit their information to our Parish Office. We will be most grateful for your assistance.
Click here for the Parish Registration Form.