Members engaged in this ministry provide an initial welcome from our church community to individuals and families who either recently moved into our church parish region and/or decided to become members of our church community.
We encourage parishioners to contact the Parish Office when they become aware of new residents and/or members of a former Catholic parish and those have expressed a desire to join our church community.
Contact Person:
To be announced
Parishioners who want to learn more and express interest in this ministry, may contact the Parish Office (Telephone: 985-497-3412, Email: [email protected]).
Members of our church who are engaged in this ministry extend condolences and prayers to members of a bereaved family on behalf of our church community. A member of this ministry reaches out to the family when notice of a death is received either from a family member or when the family contacts the Parish Office to begin funeral and burial arrangements. Ministry members are available to support and assist family members with activities such as notifications, rosaries during visitation services, and assistance before, during, and/or after a repast held in the Community Center following funeral services.
To learn more about this ministry or to seek support when needed, please reach out to the contact person listed below or the Parish Office (985-497-3412, [email protected]).
Contact Person:
Nancy Dumas
Ministry to the Sick, Homebound, and In Need includes caring engagement that addresses individual/personal, social, family, and quality of life needs. Individuals or one of their family members may contact the Parish Office to inquire about this ministry and describe the particular illness, need, and/or homebound circumstances. Members of our church community who engage in this ministry may participate in a variety of caring and social support, such as scheduled social visits; praying, reading scripture, and/or praying the rosary together; assisting with everyday life tasks, reading and writing, communicating with others; and assisting an individual to obtain available support services. Engagement in this ministry does not automatically include the offering of Holy Communion to the individual in need, as this is provided through the Eucharistic Ministers for Home Visitation (described below). However, Eucharistic Ministers engaged in this ministry may also provide Holy Communion in the home to the individual in need.
Contact Person:
To be announced
Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to express your interest in serving those in need through this ministry (Telephone: 985-497-3412, [email protected]). The Parish Office telephone number or email address may also be used to inform and inquire about support through this ministry.
Additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are needed to serve our church community members who are homebound for various reasons. Individuals engaged in this ministry answer this most sacred call to participate in a serving schedule of taking the nourishing Body and Blood of Christ to those who are unable to be physically present in the Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion. EMHC home visitations to individuals also include prayer, religious education as needed, and sharing news of our church parish that helps them stay connected and feel united with our church community.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), during masses and through this home visitation ministry, one must be in good standing with the Church and approved by our church pastor to serve in this role. Upon completion of training required by the Archdiocese Office of Worship, EMHCs are commissioned by the Archdiocese to serve for a period of three years.
For those interested in this ministry who also have the availability and interest might combine their engagement in this ministry with that of the one shown above on this web page, Ministry to the Sick, Homebound, and In Need that includes caring engagement that addresses individual/personal, social, family, and quality of life needs.
For more information and to express your interest in this ministry, please reach out to the Contact Person listed below or through the Parish Office (985-497-3412 or [email protected]). Please be sure to indicate if you are applying to become an EMHC or if you are already engaged as an EMHC in our Mass Schedule.
Contact Person:
To be announced
In our church parish, we have been blessed by a lasting presence of both a Knights of Peter Claver (KPC) Men's Council and a Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Court #66 (KPCLA), also know as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Our KPC and KPCLA have been actively engaged in the national KPC organization. Below is a brief historical sketch, some local highlights, and how one may pursue membership in these ministry organization.
The national organization began as the Knights of Peter Claver, established November 7, 1909, and grew to become a family organization with the addition of the following member sections: Junior Knights (1917), a Ladies Auxiliary (1922), and Junior Daughters (1930). The KPC family organization is one of the few that offer opportunities to the entire Catholic family, encompassing male and female adults and youths seven years and older. From local to national levels, members engage in church and community service projects; support local, regional, and national charitable appeals; and commit to caring for one another.
For more information about the goals, expectations, and benefits of being a member of the KPC Men's Council and how to apply for membership, please click the document link below. You may also reach out to the Contact Person listed below or contact the Parish Office to express your interest and have your questions answered (985-497-3412 or [email protected]).
Knights of Peter Claver Men's Group - Information Packet
Contact Person:
Timothy Simon, Grand Knight
Knights of Peter Claver
In our church parish, we have been blessed by a lasting presence of both a Knights of Peter Claver (KPC) Men's Council and a Ladies Auxiliary, Court #66 (KPCLA, also known as Our Lady of Perpetual Help). Both of our KPC and KPCLA have been actively engaged in the national KPC organization. Below is a brief historical sketch, some local highlights, and how one may pursue membership.
The national organization began as the Knights of Peter Claver, established November 7, 1909, and grew to become a family organization with the addition of the following member sections: Junior Knights (1917), a Ladies Auxiliary (1922), and Junior Daughters (1930). Now the largest and oldest historically Black Catholic lay organization, the KPC family organization is one of the few that offer opportunities to the entire Catholic family, encompassing male and female adults and youths seven years and older. From local to national levels, members engage in church and community service projects; support local, regional, and national charitable appeals; and commit to caring for one another.
In our Catholic church community, a recent initiative was launched to expand our local KPC family to once again include a KPCLA Junior Daughters division for interested Catholic girls ages 7 to 17. Young ladies turning 18 years of age are invited to join our Senior Court. With membership, Junior Daughters are automatically enrolled in a life insurance policy valued at $1,000. Junior Daughters pay monthly dues ($1.75/month) to pay their policy premiums.. This policy increases to $2,500 when a Junior Daughter transfers to the Senior Court at age 18. Junior Daughters are provided uniforms by Senior Court members to participate in and benefit from engagement in our formal organizational structure and designated Junior Daughters activities. They also have opportunities for volunteer service within our Catholic community and to participate in state and/or national conventions and district youth programs. Senior members who are trained to foster leadership development work with Junior Daughters, and when needed, also serve as chaperones. Interested girls and their parents are encouraged to give serious consideration to becoming a KPCLA Junior Daughter in our church parish.
For more information about the goals, expectations, and benefits of being a member of the KPCLA and/or the Junior Daughters, please click the document links below. Also, feel free to reach out to the appropriate Contact Persons listed below to learn more about our local organizations' goals and activities and how to become a member.
Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary Brochure
Knights of Peter Claver Junior Daughters Brochure
Contact Persons:
Patricia Kilbert, Grand Lady
KPC Ladies Auxiliary, Court #66
Telephone: 504-717-1431
Kiera Johnson Holliday, Junior Daughters Counselor
KPC Ladies Auxiliary, Court #66
Junior Daughters Counselor
Telephone: 225-206-1389
You may also contact the Parish Office (985-497-3412 or [email protected]).